WIN Meetings in 2023



AGM in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
05 to 09 February, 2023


It was a successful AGM in the welcoming & warm city of Ho Chi Minh. A big thank you to the wonderful hosts Super Cargo Services Vietnam and their entire team.  The AGM kicked off with an outdoor welcome cocktail on the eve of 05 February. Our Chairman, Alberto Maier, welcomed all the participants from 46 company members.

Total attending members:

  • Americas: 5 Members, 5 votes
  • Asia & Pacific: 22, 24 votes
  • Europe: 13, 2 proxi, 15 votes
  • MEA: 6, 2 proxi, 4 votes

Total members attending 46, proxi 4, total votes 48.
Total number of members in the network: 80.
Total votes in the network: 60.

Topics covered:

  • Evaluation Program
  • Regional Directors Report
  • Finance WIN Association & Finance WIN Logistiques AG
  • Presentation of New WIN Office Management, Swiss Local Representation, & Conference Organizers
  • Elections Board Position Term 2023-2024 (read more in section NEW WIN BOARD)
  • Temp Members' Presentation & Voting for Full Membership
    • Hennig Harders Ltd, New Zealand
    • Ocean Gulf Agencies, Oman
  • New Member Presentation: Prime Air, Puerto Rico
  • Host Member Presentation: Super Cargo Services, Vietnam
  • Projects

You are invited to read the full minutes downloadable from our WIN Website. After log in, select "Downloads" from the drop menu on the right, and enter the folder "WIN AGM - MINUTES". Or simply click on this link.

You want to see how great the AGM 2023 was? Go to the Photo Galley on WIN Website or click here for impressions
We also have amazing videos posted by Super Cargo Services:
- Opening performance Gala Dinner
- Handmine performance at Gala Dinner




GSM in Treviso, Italy
02 to 05 June, 2023

We had a very productive GSM in the beautiful city of Treviso, near Venice. All in all we were 52 delegates and 7 guests. The WIN Events lead by Doris Kreis prepared a fantastic program with the assistance of our partners Barbarini & Foglia Italy. We would like to thank the entire Barbarini & Foglia Team for their amazing company, assistance, and positive attitude. Thank you again for your great contribution and sponsorship!

We enjoyed the famous Prosecco in the Italian country side, visited the beautiful canals of Venice, and witnessed a live Murano Glass in the making by local artists. That's not all! We also had great discussions in our GSM Presentation leading to changes in the future AGM's as mentioned by our Chairman in the Editorial.

We discussed important topics and have fruitful bilateral meetings fully focus on sales and commercial development. Please find below key topics mentioned:

You can read more in the GSM Minutes in our Download section in WIN Website, click here.

  • Presentation of Projects:
    • Network Projects: China
    • Network Projects: USA
    • WIN Payment Insurance
    • Airfreight Product & Procurement
    • Qwyk - Magaya Case Update
    • WIN Welcome Pack
  • WIN Presentation Video & Unique Selling Proposition
  • WIN WhatsApp Group
  • Marketing Presence: LINKEDIN (read more in separate section below)
  • Future AGM & GSM
    • Combining both conference in one
    • Changing dates to March to suit majority

Due to the low attendance, and the fact that some important countries were missing, WIN did make a deficit at this GSM as usually we expect a minimum of 80 persons. We would like to remind all Members that WIN is YOUR organization and this has a direct impact on our WIN cashflow.

Enjoy the event picture below, you can also view more in our WIN News section on WIN Website, click here.




Board Meeting in Athens, Greece
01 to 04 October, 2023


The WIN Board met in Athens from the 1st to the 4th of October to discuss important matters and make strategic decisions related to the future of WIN, the next AGM, and many other topics. All Board Members were present along with the WIN Office.

On our 1st day on 1-Oct,  we met with our good friend Makis Mavroeidis from Medtainer Greece and we had dinner in a delicious authentic restaurant in the heard of Athens. Thank you Makis for your great hospitality!

Like any other company that requires management decisions, the WIN Board has to meet every few months to discuss key topics face to face. Below is a very short list of the subjects that were debated during the Board Meeting:

  • WIN Board Elections 2024
  • AGM Mexico 2024
  • WIN Review, Finance, & Budget
  • Projects
  • WIN Updates
  • And much more...

We take this opportunity to thank all members of the WIN Board for their time, passion, & dedication! Your priceless input makes the WIN network vibrate.


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WIN AGM 2023 topics
WIN AGM Agenda

WIN AGM  9 - 14 March 2024 Mexico City, M...

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WIN AGM Agenda
Release Old Board, Voting & Election

WIN Board 2023 A big thank you to our Board ...

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Release Old Board, Voting & Election
Albert Maier - nominated for Election WIN Chairman

WIN Chairman Albert Maier Decoexsa Air & Se...

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Albert Maier - nominated for Election WIN Chairman